
Uniunea Europeana-Programul Grundtvig (educatia adultilor)

Prin Programul Grundtvig,Uniunea Europeana ofera adultilor,cetateni ai tarilor membre in Uniunea Europeana,workshop-uri , finantate integral de Uniunea Europeana. Orice cetatean al Uniunii are dreptul,odata la 3 ani sa participe la un astfel de workshop,numit “atelier”. Transportul,cazarea si diurna sunt finantate de Uniunea Europeana.Nu exista conditii impuse pentru a participa(sunt admisi ,chiar incurajati sa participe somerii),trebuie doar sa se completeze un formular de aplicare. Catalogul cu aceste ateliere ,pe 2011-2012 este urmatorul. Eu am participat la un astfel de workshop in martie 2011, in Marsilia

8 replies on “Uniunea Europeana-Programul Grundtvig (educatia adultilor)”


formularul este foarte simplu,este cel oferit de institutia care organizeaza workshop-ul..
Eu, de exemplu, am completat formularul oferit de Cidff Phocéen din Marsilia.
Dupa ce iti alegi workshop ul la care vrei sa participi, intri pe site- ul lor ,unde vei gasi detalii despre workshopsi formularul respectiv de inscriere..Exista unul standard,dar multe institutii il personalizeaza, cerand date suplimentare participantilor.
Exista si posibilitatea (mai rar)ca cei ce organizeaza workshop ul respectiv sa nu aiba site,dar in acest caz, se ia legatura pe mail cu organizatorii.Ei sunt extrem de prompti, a 2 a zi iti trimit formularul….(asa mi l-au trimis mie!!)
Pentru ca sa -ti faci o imagine cam despre ce contine formularul, o sa postez unul ,ca model….



Iata um model de formular de aplicare la un workshop:


Learner application form

Please send this application form duly completed and signed to:
– the organisation which organises the Workshop (Workshop Organiser)

Deadline for sending the registration form1: 15/04/2013

If your candidature to this Workshop is accepted, the Workshop Organiser will return to you a signed copy of this form.

I – Identification of the Workshop1

Title of the Workshop ————————-
Host institution —————————–
Dates of the Workshop 23.06.2013 – 29.06.2013 (including travel days)

II – Identification of the candidate learner

II.1. Contact details

Title (Mr/Ms) First name
Family name
Postcode City
Telephone 1 Telephone 2
Mobile Fax
E-mail address

II.1. Other information

Date of birth
Occupation (if applicable). If retired / unemployed: what former job did you do?
Special requirements for travels and/or during the stay (mobility, dietary, medical, etc…)
Experience with former international activities
Motivation to participate in this workshop Max. 150 words
Languages spoken
Languages understood
Other information you would like to mention

II.3 Other questions (to be customised by the Workshop Organiser if needed)


I confirm that I understand and intend to obey to the following principles and rules:

1. The Workshop Organiser will select candidates according to selection rules which have been approved by his/her Lifelong Learning / Grundtvig National Agency. These include rules on the minimum number of learners from a varied number of countries;

2. Candidates may be selected, rejected or registered on a reserve list;

3. The Workshop Organiser may consult the selected learners to organise their trips and accommodation;

4. By signing the present document, the candidate learner commits himself / herself to:
a) participate in only one Workshop throughout the EU within 3 years
b) if case of selection:
i. attend the Workshop
ii. comply with all arrangements negotiated for his/her participation and to do his/her best to make the Workshop a success
iii. fill in and sign a final evaluation form at the end of the Workshop and send a copy of it to the National Agency of his/her country .
c) in case of selection but non attendance: present evidence of force majeure,
d) in case of partial or non attendance and no presentation of evidence of force majeure, reimburse the Workshop Organiser of all costs incurred due to this non-attendance.

Your registration implies that you authorize the European Commission and the National Agency to make free use of the photographs, films and recordings bearing your image or voice in all type of publications, television broadcast or communications via the Internet for information or education purposes only. These photographs, films and sound recordings may be included and archived in the European Union’s online database, accessible to the public free of charge online.

Date: ……………………………………… Signature: ……………………………………………………………………


We confirm that the above mentioned candidate has been accepted to attend the following Workshop and will do our best to provide him/her with a successful experience, as described in our application form.

TITLE: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

DATES: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

LOCATION: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………

Date: ……………………………………… Signature : ………………………………………………………………..…


Sper ca nu e prea tardiv raspunsul meu…
Ni s-au asigurat toate mesele ,deci nu ni s-a oferit diurna.
Au fost insa cateva seri cand nu ni s-a asigurat cina(pentru a avea o mai mare libertate de miscare) si atunci ni s-a dat o suma de bani (din pacate nu imi mai amintesc cat)….Ni s-au dat si niste carduri cu care am circulat cu mijloace de transport.Au fost foarte corecti!
Mai nou am auzit ca trebuie sa te ocupi pe cont propriu de achizitionarea biletelor de avion si doar dupa workshop se recupereaza suma respectiva!(noi am primit biletele de avion pe mail si nu am platit nimic…..)


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